Saturday, April 17, 2004

Wacky Uses

Friday, April 16, 2004

The Trojan Olympic Games...

Have you seen this yet?! If not you have to check these out... Probably three of the funniest vids ever... :)

Trojan Olympics #1
(2 megs..)

Trojan Olympics #2
(2 megs..)

Trojan Olympics #3
(2 megs..)

Supa Jam

Once again Julie aka "Supafemme", or if crime bustin' "Supapiggiegirl" brought a great link to my attention... You can upload a picture of your head but better yet, upload one of your friends and family's heads and then hit the "send" button and email an animation of them dancin' the night away!!! It's really much better than I described it sooooo Click me please...

Pee Mail

My friend Julie from sent this my way today and I have had so much fun with it that I wanted to share the joy with all of you... :) Click me to relieve yourself...